Wednesday, 22 July 2015

I've been Googled!

Part of this RudaĆ­23 course asks you to view different social media platforms, new online technologies and use these programs to develop your network and professional brand ( I'm still hurting from the brand post)

Today I had a look a Google and all it's 'associated bits'  - never really took the time to view the different elements and I must say I was impressed by the scope of the programs, the social interaction, the maps etc. I think all too often we just see Google as a search engine - a means to an end and we forget that it has so much more to offer.  Yes, I'm aware that there are those out there that have 'issues' with Google and it's ability to track your every move, perhaps even tell you what you had for breakfast but if you live in a rural community chances are your neighbour could tell a few things about you too! Maybe we should just approach Google with caution and make ourselves aware of their privacy settings etc. This course does give you the opportunity to play about with the technology and learn how to use it effectively.

Have I been brave enough to Google myself?  I paused at the search screen and thought - do I really want to see what's been posted by me, about me or what horrible photos have appeared with my name on them.  I'm thinking horrible pony club photos with the riding hat looking like a giant saucepan on top of my head, hair sticking out all sides and my big cheesy grin sporting my missing tooth that my pony knocked out of my head while changing her halter. Or perhaps the photo of me with the Dulux Paint Dog and me as scruffy as the dog with shaggy hair over my eyes and those 'hand-knitted character' jumpers that we all got as presents in the 80's.  I type and press enter......

Thankfully none of the above have appeared just my LinkedIn profile and my perfectly branded posts :)
I can rest easy and take myself off to the kitchen for a nice cup of tea, maybe wave at the neighbours and let them know it's Barry's Tea this evening!


  1. Great post - I totally agree with you regarding Google :)

  2. I agree Liz. Rural Ireland could always tell you more about yourself than Google.
